Sunday, February 7, 2016

OZ Naturals Hyaluroci Acid + MSM Review

This is the first time that I have tried a product from OZ Naturals and so far I like the results. OZ Naturals Hyaluronic + MSM contains 120 veggie caps and will last two months and is made in the USA. The pills are a little on the large side, but I have not had any issues swallowing them. I have been taking this product for a little over two weeks now. I take two pills with my lunch every day and have noticed a significant difference in my nails. My nails are usually very brittle and I have the hardest time growing them out, but after a week of taking this product I have noticed that my nails do not break as easily and they are longer than usual. I have also noticed that my hair is shinier, not as dry and looks healthier.

I received this product for free or at a discounted price in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

If you are interested in purchasing the product please feel free to purchase it at amazon

Yoga Poses For The New Yogi: 37 Wickedly Effective Yoga Postures To Transform Your Day Review

I am a beginner to yoga and thought that Yoga Poses For The New Yogi: 37 Wickedly Effective Yoga Postures To Transform Your Day would be able to assist me. I like how each pose has an animated sketch showing the pose and goes into detail about the pose, the benefit of the pose and a detailed instruction on how to do the pose. The instructions are easy to follow and comprehend and have helped me achieve some of the poses. I recommend this to anyone who wants a detailed step by step instruction on certain poses.

I received this product for free or at a discounted price in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

If you are interested in the kindle please feel free to purchase it from amazon

Art Naturals Stretch Mark & Scar Removal Cream Review

I have been using Art Naturals Stretch Mark & Scar Removal Cream for almost three weeks now on my stretch marks. The cream comes in a plastic container with 4 ounces of product. The cream is a thick, creamy white color with a cocoa butter fragrance. If you do not like the smell of cocoa butter then you probably will not like the smell of this product.

I apply the cream after I take a shower on clean, dry skin. I like to massage the cream onto my stretch marks so that the product can fully absorb into the areas I want treated. I like the fact that it does not greasy or oily and leaved my skin moisturized. The stretch marks have slightly faded and I will continue to use this product to see if it will make the stretch marks any more lighter.

I received this product for free or at a discounted price in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

If you are interested in the product, please feel free to purchase it at amazon