Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Remove Negative Thinking: How To Instantly Harness Mindfulness And The Power Of Positive Thinking (The #GirlBizMind Series Book 1) in Kindle Edition by Helga Klopcic and KC Harry Review

Remove Negative Thinking: How To Instantly Harness Mindfulness And The Power Of Positive Thinking  (The #GirlBizMind Series Book 1) in Kindle Edition by Helga Klopcic and KC Harry starts off with a personal story of each author,  how they started GirlBizMind and a short description of the six books in the series. The book is divided into ten short chapters.

Chapter 1: Beliefs Affect Reality explains how the way you think is what you achieve.  Chapter 2: How To Replace Your Inner Dialogue explains how to say an affirmation correctly and how to slowly change the way you think. Chapter 3: Reframe How You See The World helps you change the way you look at things. Chapter 4: Finding Your Passion And Purpose gives you ideas on ways to find what you are truly passionate about. Chapter 5: Focus On Abundance Getting Success From Within has some exercises to help you appreciate your life. Chapter 6: Living In The Now helps you realize that you can’t change the past and it is beneficial to live life in the present. Chapter 7: Move Outside Your Comfort Zone explains that having negative thoughts are normal. Chapter 8: Finding Your Positive Voice helps you discover what you want to do. Chapter 9: Staying Motivated- How To Stay Motivated When Trying To Remove Negative Thinking Patterns gives you many tips to keep on tract. And Chapter 10: Surround Yourself With Positive People explains that surrounding yourself with positive people can benefit you.

This was a quick read and very beneficial. We are all plagued with negative thinking and it is always beneficial to have a more positive outlook in life. It is true that there could be two people looking at the same incident, but can come away with two different outlooks in life. You are never too old or too young to change your outlook in life and taking on a more positive outlook.

I received this product for free in exchange for my honest review.

If you are interested in purchasing this kindle book please click here.

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