Thursday, March 31, 2016

"Sugar": The Deadly Assassin (Sugar Free Please Book 1) Review

"Sugar": The Deadly Assassin (Sugar Free Please Book 1) by Elizabeth Goldsmith is an extremely short, informative and well written ebook. The ebook is divided into four informative chapters.

Chapter 1 titled Toxic Wonder: What Makes Sugar So Deadly is divided into five sections. This chapter informs the reader that sugar does not have any nutrients and depletes it of any essential nutrients. Sugar is essentially a poison that interferes with your body's functions which can cause an imbalance of your body's pH levels and prevent your brain cells and red blood cells from receiving oxygen needed to function and survive

Chapter 2 titled Sweet Mayhem: How Your Body and Brain are affected by Sugar is divided into two sections. This chapter informs the reader that glucose causes the body to sense quick energy boosts, food cravings and can lead to diabetes and that fructose can cause your liver to become overwhelmed and lead to fatty liver fatty disease, stroke or heart attack and total body inflammation. This chapter also informs the reader that consuming sugar over long periods of time can lead to mental illness, addiction, brain chemistry imbalance, depression, schizophrenia and Alzheimer's.

Chapter 3 titled Bitter Sweet: Health Issues Resulting From Sugar Consumption informs the reader that sugar can cause arthritis, cavities, eczema, diabetes (Type 2), leaky gut syndrome and wrinkles.

Chapter 4 titled Poisonous Reality: Sugar and Various Health Problems and the Conclusion informs the ready that continuous consumption of sugar can lead to heart problems, cause weakened immune system, contribute to cancer, causes candida overgrowth, causes the blood to become acidic and weakened eyesight.

I have read magazine articles about how sugar is bad for your health and that it is best to eliminate it from your life, but I didn't realize how much sugar takes a toll on an the body until after reading this.

If you would like to purchase this ebook it can be purchased here through Amazon.

I received this ebook for free or at a discounted price in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

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